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Contact Lens Exams: What to Expect and Why They Matter

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Contact lens exams are specific eye exams conducted to fit you with the right pair of contact lenses. Unlike a typical eye exam that checks for general eye health and determines your eyeglass prescription, a contact lens exam is more intensive. It evaluates your eyes’ surface, assesses your tears’ quality, and determines the best lens type for your unique needs.

They play a critical role in ensuring that your contact lenses offer you the best vision possible without compromising your eye health. They also help detect any eye conditions that may make contact lens use unsuitable for you.

Optician providing prescription

What To Expect During A Contact Lens Exam


 If you’re new to contact lenses or have scheduled your first contact lens exam, you’re probably wondering what to expect. While each eye doctor may have a slightly different approach, most exams generally follow a similar routine.

The first part of a contact lens exam is much like a standard eye exam. Your doctor will check your vision and eye health using various tests and instruments. You might be asked to read from an eye chart, your eyes might be dilated for a more comprehensive look, or you may undergo a tonometry test to measure your eye pressure.

The next part of the exam is where things get a bit more specialized. Your doctor will measure your eye’s surface and evaluate your tear film. These measurements are crucial in determining the right type and size of contact lenses for you. Depending on your eye health, lifestyle, and personal preferences, your doctor will then recommend the best type of contact lenses for you.


The Process Of A Contact Lens Exam


The first step in a contact lens exam is a comprehensive eye health check. Your doctor will check for any eye diseases or conditions that might affect your ability to wear contact lenses. This step is crucial because certain eye conditions can make wearing contact lenses risky or uncomfortable.

The next step involves precise measurements of your eye’s surface. Since contact lenses sit directly on your eye, getting the right fit is crucial. Your doctor will use a keratometer to measure the curvature of your cornea and, if necessary, a corneal topographer to get a detailed map of your cornea’s surface.

The final part of the exam involves a tear film evaluation. Your doctor will assess the quality and quantity of your tears. This step is essential because a healthy tear film is necessary for comfortable contact lens wear.


The Importance Of Regular Contact Lens Exams


 You might be wondering why regular contact lens exams are necessary, especially if you’re comfortable with your current lenses. The truth is that your eyes can change over time, and these changes can affect how your lenses fit and feel.

Regular contact lens exams help ensure your lenses continue to offer you optimal vision and comfort. They also allow your doctor to monitor your eye health and detect any potential issues early. Early detection of eye conditions can lead to more effective treatment and prevent potential vision loss.

Additionally, regular exams give your doctor the chance to introduce you to new types of contact lenses that might offer you better vision or comfort. As technology advances, so do contact lenses, and regular exams ensure you’re aware of the latest options available to you.


Enjoy Clear Vision Through A Contact Lens Exam Today


Contact lens exams are an essential part of maintaining good eye health and ensuring optimal vision. They help ensure your lenses fit properly, detect any eye conditions early, and keep you updated with the latest contact lens options. If you’re a contact lens wearer or considering becoming one, make sure to schedule regular contact lens exams.

If you are considering making the switch from glasses to contact lenses, schedule a contact lens exam with Dr. Fallon Patel and Associates at our Lime Ridge Mall location in Hamilton, Ontario. Please call (289) 768-5936 to book an appointment today.

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